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6 New Paperbacks to Read This Week
Selected paperbacks from the Book Review, including titles by Quentin Tarantino, Elizabeth Kolbert, Tyriek White and more.
2 hours ago
NYT Books and Literature
6 New Paperbacks to Read This Week
Graydon Carter Opens Air Mail Newsstand in New York’s West Village
Shoe horns, lampshades and CBD-infused elixirs are among the goods Graydon Carter is selling at a new newsstand-style shop in New York.
2 hours ago
NYT Books and Literature
Graydon Carter Opens Air Mail Newsstand in New York’s West Village
Books Bound in Human Skin: An Ethical Quandary at the Library
Harvard’s recent decision to remove the binding of a notorious volume in its library has thrown fresh light on a shadowy corner of the rare book world.
2 hours ago
NYT Books and Literature
Books Bound in Human Skin: An Ethical Quandary at the Library
Book Review: ‘Four Shots in the Night,’ by Henry Hemming; ‘Tripped,’ by Norman Ohler; ‘Hell Put to Shame,’ by ...
Three books describe the work of government investigators who want to uncover or bury the truth.
2 hours ago
NYT Books and Literature
Book Review: ‘Four Shots in the Night,’ by Henry Hemming; ‘Tripped,’ by Norman Ohler; ‘Hell Put to Shame,’ by ...
Book Review: “An Encyclopedia of Gardening for Colored Children: An Alphabetary of the Colonized World,” by Jamaica Kincaid ...
Jamaica Kincaid and Kara Walker unearth botany’s buried history.
2 hours ago
NYT Books and Literature
Book Review: “An Encyclopedia of Gardening for Colored Children: An Alphabetary of the Colonized World,” by Jamaica Kincaid ...
A Stunning Visual Celebration of Black Rodeo
A new photo book reorients dusty notions of a classic American pastime.
2 hours ago
NYT Books and Literature
A Stunning Visual Celebration of Black Rodeo
"Corpus Delicti": Juli Zeh verrät, was Abiturienten zu ihrem Buch wissen müssen
Derzeit laufen die Abiturprüfungen, in vielen Bundesländern ist Juli Zehs Roman "Corpus Delicti" Klausurthema. Wer könnte da besser helfen als die Autorin selbst?
1 day ago
Zeit Literatur
"Corpus Delicti": Juli Zeh verrät, was Abiturienten zu ihrem Buch wissen müssen
"Pudels Kern" von Rocko Schamoni : Hier schwappt nicht nur das Bier
Der Musiker, Autor und einstige Dorfpunk Rocko Schamoni erzählt in seinem neuen Buch "Pudels Kern" von seiner Jugend. Es ist eine als Roman titulierte Anekdotensammlung.
2 days ago
Zeit Literatur
"Pudels Kern" von Rocko Schamoni : Hier schwappt nicht nur das Bier
"Knife": Die Intimität des Mordens
Salman Rushdies neues Buch "Knife" ist weit mehr als eine eindrückliche Schilderung des brutalen Attentats auf ihn. Es gipfelt in einem fiktiven Dialog mit dem Täter.
2 days ago
Zeit Literatur
"Knife": Die Intimität des Mordens